Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry
This first project WebDevStudios worked on for the Campbell Soup Company was rebuilding the site for Puff Pastry, one of Campbell’s international brands. The original Puff Pastry site wasn’t on WordPress; the CMS they were using was clunky, hard to control, and made it challenging for their staff to manage the content. Their goal was to update the site to be fully responsive and to get it on WordPress so they had greater editorial control over their content.

Puff Pastry WordPress Website Design
We rebuilt the entire Puff Pastry site on WordPress, which makes content control infinitely easier. Although the site has the same desktop design it had before being moved to WordPress, we’ve updated it to be entirely responsive; and now, mobile users can get the full benefits of the Puff Pastry website. This site uses the Product and Recipe Importer Plugin we built for Campbell’s, too.
Puff Pastry 101 Slideshows
The new site features Puff Pastry 101, which has highly customized sections, sliders, and navigation that allows users to discover the best ways to work with Puff Pastry products. This section showcases the versatility of Puff Pastry goods with how-to videos, basic recipes, and more. It also features video integration under Tips and Techniques, which allows users interested in more complex Puff Pastry usage to get creative.
Exact Target API Integration
Under every recipe, we’ve built a tool called “Remind Me,” which was created using an API integration with Exact Target. It creates a reminder so users can schedule an email blast on their chosen reminder date. Found a recipe you want to use for a party in a month, but don’t want to lose the recipe in your overflowing inbox? No problem. Now, users can schedule the email reminder for a date closer to the party itself, making recipes easy to find and use.
We also set up their newsletter utilizing the Exact Target API, streamlining the process for newsletter sign ups.