What is Storybook? Storybook is a user interface (UI) development environment and playground for UI components. The tool enables developers to create components independently and showcase components interactively in an isolated development environment. Storybook supports many different frontend view layers. React, Vue,...
Read More StorybookJS and Why You Should Use ItCategory: Development
Speed Up Your Development with Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio (VS) Code was released on April 29, 2015 by Microsoft. In a very short time, it has taken the coding world by storm. As of 2020, nearly 51% of developers claim to use it as their primary development environment. This,...
Read More Speed Up Your Development with Visual Studio CodeA Better, Cleaner Way to Render HTML with JavaScript
As a team of WordPress developers, we often stumble upon a task where we need to request a set of data using AJAX and render it to the browser. Most of the the time we do it like this: View the code...
Read More A Better, Cleaner Way to Render HTML with JavaScriptSass Tips to Take Your Skills to the Next Level
If you’ve been using Sass for a while, but find yourself writing seemingly basic code that doesn’t look very different from vanilla CSS, then this article is for you. We’ll explore ten ways to put Sass to use, taking advantage of some...
Read More Sass Tips to Take Your Skills to the Next LevelHashing a Custom Taxonomy
I have a confession. I like Pokémon. It’d really be more accurate to say I never stopped liking it. Sure, there was that point when it wasn’t “cool” anymore and I was too busy trying to be “cool,” but this is the...
Read More Hashing a Custom TaxonomyCross Browser Compatibility Testing
The Scenario It’s the Friday before a major holiday and an urgent email hits your inbox. Your client, who has been a dream to work with over the past few months, has a problem. Two seconds ago you were thinking about kicking...
Read More Cross Browser Compatibility TestingBreaking the Cycle of the Mean Developer
We’ve all done it before. Imagine this: you inherit code from some unknown, unseen website developer and you scoff at it as you begin to pore over it. You repeatedly face-palm as each new line of code brings another cry of, “Why...
Read More Breaking the Cycle of the Mean DeveloperBuilding a WordPress Theme: Things to Consider in 2019 (And Beyond)
WebDevStudios (WDS) is working to improve our theme framework wd_s based on Automattic’s _s; although at this point, it’s resemblance is only vaguely similar. WDS is dedicated to keeping up to date with the web development industry and making educated decisions about...
Read More Building a WordPress Theme: Things to Consider in 2019 (And Beyond)Dev Shortie: A Better Process for Styling Websites
One thing I’ve noticed a lot lately with websites is that no matter how it looks, the style sheet is full of redundant, duplicate, or unnecessary styles. A lot of that, I imagine, comes from updates after a website goes live, where...
Read More Dev Shortie: A Better Process for Styling Websites